Full Name*


    Phone Number*



    Q1. Have you studied Japanese before?

    A. Where did you study?

    B. How long?

    C. Which textbook did you use? Which chapter have you completed?

    D. I can:

    Q2. Why are you studying Japanese?

    Q3. We would like to hear more about you!
    Please write down additional comments
    about yourself/ your goal,
    purpose of Japanese study.

    Q4. How did you hear about us?

    Would you like to take Level Check Test?

    Lesson Type


    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    Day and Time

    What day would you like to take lessons?

    What time?

    *Please note that the on-peak fee of $6 applies if you take lessons after 5:00pm.

    How many days would you like to take lessons?

    Lesson duration (per session)


    ※Please double check your information